Sunday, March 11, 2012

really long time

each day
each moment
each sip of water, ray of light, drop of rain
each stress
each joy

all adds up
to what is
my entire life.

i feel a growth
coming on
something from within
a ring in my central hardwood

and an acceptance
unlike any other time
to look at my fingers
and my own face
in my reflection
and see myself
to know myself
is monumental.

i look at you
and see you
seeing me
i am the one with arms folded at the end of the bed
black shirt
red tired eyes
thinking of peggy
thinking of us
thinking of the past
the future
the children
the work
talking talking talking talking talking--
you are the one lying down
looking cozy
smiling now
soft &
so uncomfortable
at the same time

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